Business Valuation

The Business Valuation specialist at Anil Vats Associates provides business valuation reports after multi-dimensional examination of the business. We offer tailored reports that are not only detailed but also transparent and credible. All of our reports are prepared using globally accepted approaches to meet the specific purpose of our clients.

Business Valuation is necessary when a company or organization is in the need of:

  • Raising funds
  • Financial reporting
  • Selling a business
  • Merger and acquisitions
  • Family or shareholders disputes
  • Voluntary value assessment
  • Expanding business or to add a new partner
  • Retirement or exit planning

All of such transactions require the “net worth” of equity and that net worth is determined by a professional business valuator. We’re a leading business valuation services provider in India. We’ve dedicated valuation team with cross-industry expertise to a highly defensive valuation report after analyzing the company history, type of industry comparable companies, controlling interest and financials etc.

Business valuation is not just about crunching numbers! It’s about knowing the each and every dynamic of the company/business and then applying right methodologies to arrive at a fair value conclusion.

Get your business evaluated today to help yourself plan for future and achieve all your financial goals!!

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