Income Tax Valuation

As per regulatory guidelines, Income Tax Valuation is necessary to determine the fair market value.  A buyer or seller need to submit a detailed valuation report to income tax authorities for the calculation of short/long term capital gain. This detailed valuation report of fair market value is prepared by a Govt. Registered Valuation Engineer after assessing the property value and its documents. Our income tax valuation approach spans across a wide variety of tax valuation needs:

  • Wealth Tax/Indirect transfer tax
  • Estate Tax
  • Gift Tax
  • Capital Gain Tax

Our in-house dedicated valuation team are specialized in determining the value for various tax purposes. We conduct detailed analysis by assessing all the traits like business, company history and their comparable competitors to arrive at right value. Our experienced follow the best ethical practices to offer a most defensible and fair opinion related to any business or transaction.

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